Lessons for my younger self

Childhood experiences and traumas always have great impact on our life. Sometimes we did things that we may not be proud of because we were immatured then and we might now face some of the consenquences now. Maybe some of us, if given a chance, might want to give advice to our younger selves for our own betterment. Here, I listed some advice I want to tell the younger Kevin Tan because I still want to be a better person that who I am now. Just take note that this list is in no particular order and I chose not to elaborate due to some personal reasons.

⁃ Take care of your teeth

⁃ Spend money wisely

⁃ Make more friends

⁃ Work harder

⁃ Study harder

⁃ Eat healthy

⁃ Go to parties

⁃ Learn to forgive

⁃ Get to know God more

⁃ Value yourself

⁃ No credit card

⁃ Respect someone else’s relationship

⁃ Shut your mouth up

⁃ Mind your belly

⁃ Watch “The Devil Wears Prada”

⁃ Learn to swim

⁃ Being a working student is not bad

⁃ Tell that person how you really feel

⁃ Get Sunlife Insurance Policy

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